zondag 7 december 2008

Anarchy in Utopia

Hello there,

For some time now, I've been wondering what if...
What if you had the power to create the ideal society, the ideal place, a utopia on our very own planet. Imagine what would it look like. What would the fundamental principles of the society be based upon? Moral ethics? Religion or free of it? What would the economic and political system be or not be at all?

Herewith, I would like to share with you my own view, my own imagination of a utopia on earth. Where all people can live in a society truly free, equally and above all, live a life in serenity.

Imagine a society free from any coercive authority of any kind. A society in complete freedom from any kind of government. An anarchical society, but not that kind associated with chaos and disorder, but where free individuals working together to meet their needs and desires. Desire to strive for wisdom and not pleasure. Desire to help and truly care for each other and respect the human ethics and morality. Imagine a society where all men are truly born equal and live equally.

Now I know this might sound like a science fiction novel, but I am convinced that if we work together, if we share our ideas, if we combine our vivid imaginations, we might one day in a not so distant future, create our own paradise right here!
Anarchy in utopia isn’t for one man to imagine. Share your ideas and let us hope together for a brighter future for all mankind…

2 opmerkingen:

Sirarpi in Philadelphia zei

I totally agree, aspecially the part: 'imagine a society where all men are truly born equal and live equally' since there is so much inequality and injustice now.

Anoniem zei

this is very intelligent and truly from the hart written!
hope you'll be the next president of the United States of America! :)
